Today's topic is the First of the Elements I will be studying for my Spiral.
Nwyfre (NOOiv-ruh) is the source of life and consciousness.
It is the Sky, the Mind, and the Future. The manifestation of Ceugant. The Infinite.
A good place to begin when discussing the elements. For if Nwyfre is consciousness, then it leads its user to itself, to summon and channel Nwyfre is to gain a deeper understanding of our own conciousness. To me this seems like a self-sustaining cycle, you channel, you learn, you get better, so you channel more, so forth and so on.
Life, it is all around us. In the earth, the seas, and the skies above. Life flourishes where we can not even scarcely believe. Conciousness, the Will, that dwells within all of us. It is what makes us unique from everyone else.
Nwyfre is Joy, Happiness. Think of the feelings you get when you see a newborn baby, or a laughing child. That rush of energy, a feeling of lightness in your spirit. That is Nwyfre to me. Nwyfre is the Life Spirit, fed on Joy, focused by the Mind, framed by the ritual and is the power source for Magic.
I am supposed to learn how to summon, direct, and banish Nwyfre at will. That will be the first step I will focus on, summoning Nwyfre to me. To feel the Life Force flowing through me, waiting for me to guide it.
Its Tool is the Wand, the channeler. Given to the user by the Earth, each type of tree grants a different style energy. These few below resonate with me.
Ash: when Focus is required, strength of purpose.
Beech: Protection
Hazel: Knowledge, Wisdom, and Poetic Inspiration
Oak: Protection, Strength, Sucess
Pine: Releasing Guilt
Willow: Cycles, rhythms, healing
Yew: enhancing magickal abilities, death and rebirth, wisdom, Love
To me Nwyfre corresponds well with the Sun Path, the marking of the year. The Four Alban Gates are celebrated by the AODA , others can be used as well. I think I will use the other Cross Quarter days as well. Those resonate with me too.
I am glad I ended up going back to Magic, I have a feeling it will be a more difficult Spiral to study, but just from reading up on it, I have learned so much. Learning how to channel the Three Elements, learning the rituals, making amulets, making the three tools. All that is fascinating to me, I will work poetry into this Spiral, I can feel it. Maybe in learning how to channel, or when I design my own ritual, that is when I will use poetry. I am definitely on the Path now, I can not see the entrance any more, but I can sense good things ahead. So I will keep walking, inward and outward. Into the Soul and outward towards Ceugant
((Tomorrow, Gwyar, its Tool and the Earth Path))
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