The studies of a First Degree Candidate include three Paths, and one of Seven Spirals. I find that interesting, the three paths help guide us into becoming more aware of the natural world, making us more in sync with the Wheel of the Year, and learning to quiet our minds and souls so that Nature's lessons can be heard. A what is a spiral but a path that leads either inward or outward depending on your point of view. Perhaps in learning about the chosen spiral you are heading inward, blazing new trails in your self, and actually doing or performing the spiral is heading outward, showing what you have learned from the journey inward.
Tonight, I think I will focus on my chosen Spiral: Magic.
Webster's Online Dictionary defines Magic as: the use of means (as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces. An extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source.
Dion Fortune defined Magic as the Art and Science of causing changes in conciousness in accordance with Will.
If both are true, does that mean that the Will is supernatural or extraordinary? Or is it the focused will that becomes extraordinary, those few people that look at life and ask... is there more? Why do I feel things and want to learn things that others do not? These are questions that I have asked myself for a long time. Questions that lead me to where I am now.
There are six things that must be done over the initiation year for the Spiral to be considered "complete"
1.) Memorize a Ritual for opening and Closing Magical Space, and practice it at least once a week during your candidate year.
2.) Using any preferred method, learn to summon, direct, and banish the energies of the three Druid elements until you can work with any of them at will.
3) Prepare and Consecrate a Wand, a Cauldron, and a Crane Bag as Magical Working Tools using any preferred method.
4.) Learn to place Magical intentions in stones, as a way of making simple talismans and amulets. Do this at least three times for specific purposeds using any preferred method. Keep notes in your Druid Journal on the results
5.) Read at least three books on Magic during your initiatory year. From this reading, select at least thirty themes for meditation, and use them in your daily meditations.
6.) In your Druid Journal, write at least three pages on the place of magic in Druidry in general and in your personal Druid path.
The three Druid Elements: Nwfyre, Gwyar, Calas. Sky, Water, and Stone.
The three Druid Magical Tools: Wand, Cauldron, Crane Bag
To me the three tools help focus the Will and Spirit to direct the three Elements to perform Magic. The ritual helps provide the framework, but with out the Will and the Spirit are so many hollow words. It is the light of our spirits that make it all work. To me that is what makes it extraordinary, not the Elements, not the tools. But us, those few that are curious enough to look away from the comforts of the mundane and ask.... Why? How?
We, those shining souls, are the real Magic, the very essence of why we are on this path... to answer something that has called out to us, that is what makes the Magic work and is what brought us here in the first place. Thus the Spiral is complete, the journey inward is realized and the world is shown what we have learned.
((Tomorrow. Nwfyre, its tool. And the Sun Path.))
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